Investors Relations
Philippine Telegraph and Telephone Corp. (PT&T) will be holding its 2020 Annual Stockholders’ Meeting (“Meeting” or “ASM”) on 25 September 2020 (Friday) at 11:00 A.M. To ensure the safety and welfare of our stockholders and other stakeholders and as a precaution against the COVID-19 risk, the ASM will be held online by remote communication and voting will be in absentia.
For the purpose of the Meeting, only stockholders of record at the close of business on Friday, 07 August 2020 will be entitled to vote. Please see the links below to register for the ASM and for other relevant information.
Stockholders who wish to participate in the Meeting are required to register by 05:00 P.M. on 18 September 2020 (Friday) by completing the requirements set forth in the registration link below. Stockholders who have successfully registered will receive an email with instructions on how to access an online web address which will allow them to join the Meeting and cast votes in absentia or by proxy.
Stockholders who cannot or opt not to use the online registration form below will be allowed to vote through a proxy. Please coordinate with the Office of the Corporate Secretary by email to so that we can assist you in the submission of Proxy Forms. The Proxy Forms together with voting instructions and other documents required for stockholders submitting a proxy must be received by the Office of the Corporate Secretary by email to on or before 05:00 P.M. on 18 September 2020 (Friday). PT&T reserves the right to request additional information, and original signed copies of the documents forming part of the registration requirements at a later time.
Stockholders may send their questions in advance by sending an email bearing the subject “PT&T 2020 ASM Open Forum” to on or before 18 September 2020 (Friday). A section for stockholder comments/questions or a “chatbox” shall also be provided in the livestream platform. Questions/comments received but not entertained during the Open Forum due to time constraints will be addressed separately by PT&T’s Investor Relations via email. Stockholders are advised to send in their questions as early as possible.
(via Absentia or via Proxy)
Address: Spirit of Communications Centre, 106 Carlos Palanca St. Legaspi Village, Makati City, Metro Manila, 1229 Philippines